White & Case LLP ernennt 12 neue deutsche Partner zu 2008


White & Case LLP

Berlin/Dresden/Düsseldorf/Frankfurt/Hamburg/München/New York, 11. Januar 2008

Die internationale Anwaltssozietät White & Case LLP hat mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2008 insgesamt 12

Anwälte in Deutschland zu Partnern in den Büros Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Hamburg ernannt. Die

Ernennungen reflektieren die erfolgreiche Mandantenbetreuung und sind wichtig für die

Nachwuchsförderung und die Integration unserer jüngeren Anwälte. Gleichzeitig ist dies ein weiterer

Schritt zur Stärkung der Marktposition von White & Case in Deutschland.

Die neuen deutschen Partner sind:



- Dr. Thomas Flatten berät inländische und internationale Banken und Finanzinstitute in Fragen des

nationalen und internationalen Bank- und Finanzrechts, insbesondere in den Bereichen

Immobilienfinanzierung, Akquisitionsfinanzierung und Restrukturierungen.

- Christoph Schröder ist im deutschen und im internationalen Steuerrecht sowie im Recht der

Bilanzierung tätig. Hauptsächlich berät er Unternehmensumstrukturierungen, Unternehmenskäufe und

-verkäufe sowie die Errichtung von Gemeinschaftsunternehmen.


- Dr. Dr. Kai-Michael Hingst ist im Bank- und Finanzrecht sowie im Gesellschaftsrecht tätig. Er berät

nationale und internationale Kreditgeber, Investoren und Unternehmen bei Finanztransaktionen,

insbesondere bei Akquisitions- und Immobilienfinanzierungen sowie in bankaufsichtsrechtlicher

Hinsicht. Herr Dr. Dr. Hingst berät ferner mittelständische und börsennotierte Unternehmen in

gesellschafts- und wirtschaftsrechtlichen Fragen.

Local Partner


- Dr. Kai Kindereit ist schwerpunktmäßig im Finanzierungsbereich tätig, insbesondere im Bereich der

Unternehmens-, Projekt-, Immobilien- und Filmfinanzierung. Darüber hinaus berät Dr. Kindereit

im allgemeinen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht.


- Stefanie Klappenbach ist insbesondere im Bereich des Bank- und Finanzrechts tätig. Sie berät

deutsche und internationale Kreditgeber, Investoren und Unternehmen bei nationalen und

internationalen Finanztransaktionen insbesondere im Bereich der Akquisitionsfinanzierung und den

damit verbundenen gesellschafts- und wirtschaftsrechtlichen Fragestellungen.

- Dr. Markus Burianski, LL.M., ist auf internationale Schiedsgerichtsverfahren und

grenzüberschreitende Prozessführung vor nationalen Gerichten spezialisiert. Er berät insbesondere im

Produkthaftungs- und Wertpapierhaftungsrecht und damit zusammenhängenden Versicherungs- und



- Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel ist vorwiegend im Bereich der Prozessführung und Beratung mit

Schwerpunkt im Immobilienwirtschaftsrecht tätig. Besondere Expertise weist er in den

Kernberatungsfeldern Projektentwicklung, Gewerbemietrecht sowie Baurecht aus, in denen er in- und

ausländische Mandanten berät und vertritt.


- Dr. Justus Herrlinger berät im deutschen und europäischen Kartellrecht. Insbesondere ist Dr.

Herrlinger in Kartellverfahren, der deutschen und europäischen Fusionskontrolle, der Ausgestaltung

von Kooperationen und Umstrukturierungen und in Fällen des Vorwurfs von Marktmacht und ihres

Missbrauchs tätig.

- Dr. Matthias Kloth ist spezialisiert im deutschen und internationalen Urheberrecht und

Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, einschließlich Marken-, Design- und Wettbewerbsrecht. Darüber hinaus

betreut er Mandanten im IT-, Medien- und Presserecht.

- Dr. Malte Kohls ist auf sämtlichen Gebieten des Umweltrechts tätig. Er begleitet

Genehmigungsverfahren für industrielle Anlagen wie Kraftwerke, Gasspeicher, Windparks,

Biogasanlagen, Stromleitungen und Gaspipelines (insb. Ostseepipeline). Im Rahmen von

Transaktionen prüft Dr. Kohls regelmäßig altlasten- und genehmigungsrechtliche Fragestellungen. Dr.

Kohls hat 2006 und 2007 intensiv das Bundesumweltministerium bei der Erstellung eines

Umweltgesetzbuches beraten.

- Dr. Ellen Meyer-Sommer ist auf dem Gebiet des Insolvenzrechts verwaltend und beratend

tätig. Durch ihre Arbeit in der Insolvenzverwaltung erfolgt die Beratung von Gesellschaftern,

Geschäftsführern, Gläubigern und Investoren in Insolvenzverfahren in Kenntnis des Blickwinkels des

Insolvenzverwalters. Daneben ist Dr. Meyer-Sommer u.a. mit der insolvenzfesten Ausgestaltung von

Verträgen befasst.

- Dr. Matthias Stupp berät bei nationalen und internationalen Unternehmenskäufen (M&A, Private

Equity) und verfügt über Erfahrung in allen mit dem Transaktionsgeschäft verbundenen Bereichen

wie Kapitalerhöhungen, konzerninterne Restrukturierung und Verschmelzungen. Neben dem

Gesellschaftsrecht berät Dr. Stupp Banken und Konzerne in Finanzierungsfragen (LBO, Akquisitionsund

Projektfinanzierung, Verbriefung) sowie im Bereich der Vermögensverwaltung einschließlich


Des Weiteren hat White & Case auf der internationalen Ebene weitere 28 neue Partner ernannt (Details zu

Standorten und Namen in der internationalen Pressemitteilung im Anhang).

White & Case LLP ist eine der führenden internationalen Anwaltssozietäten in Europa und in den

entscheidenden wirtschaftlichen Zentren der Welt mit 2.300 Anwälten an 36 Standorten in 24 Ländern


In Deutschland verfügt White & Case über 250 Anwälte und Steuerberater in Berlin, Dresden,

Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg und München (www.whitecase.de).


Prof. Dr. Nils Clemm, Tel: 030 88091 1912, E-Mail: NClemm@whitecase.com

Markus Hauptmann, Tel.: 069 29994 1276, E-Mail: MHauptmann@whitecase.com

Prof. Dr. Christian Rohnke, Tel.: 040 35005 272, E-Mail: CRohnke@whitecase.com

Kontakt + Bildmaterial:

Barbara Gruber, Tel.: 069 29994 1122, E-Mail: BGruber@whitecase.com




New York, January 10, 2008 – Global law firm White & Case LLP today announced the election of 31

new partners, effective January 1, 2008.

“These new partners are the future of White & Case,” said Chairman Hugh Verrier. “Their talent and

commitment enhance our ability to serve our clients’ needs around the world.”

Listed by the offices in which they are based, the new partners are:


Mehtap Yildirim Ozturk specializes in international commercial and financial transactions,

including project finance, financing, general corporate and commercial matters, mergers and

acquisitions, power development, mining, privatization and construction matters. She also

represents many clients in complex antitrust, antidumping arbitration and commercial lawsuits.


Marek Staron advises clients in the areas of direct foreign investments, mergers and acquisitions,

telecommunications regulatory issues, financing, securities and corporate matters. Chambers

Global named him as one of the leading lawyers in Slovakia in the area of corporate and

commercial law.


Dr. Thomas Flatten focuses on bank finance, specializing in real estate and acquisition finance.

He has broad experience in international finance transactions and frequently advises both German

and international lenders, investors and corporations.

Christoph Schroeder’s principal areas of practice include German and international tax law and

accounting law. He mainly advises clients on corporate reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions

and joint ventures.


Kai-Michael Hingst specializes in bank finance and corporate law. He advises clients on

acquisition finance, regulatory matters and corporate law issues.


Jonathan Bloom concentrates on corporate finance and US securities law, representing both

issuers and underwriters in a variety of debt and equity financing transactions, including highyield

debt offerings, initial public offerings, secondary offerings, acquisition financings and


Alan Burke has a wide range of experience in corporate transactions, including mergers and

acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures and reorganizations. He represents public and private

corporations, governments and banks.

Colin Chang is a US securities lawyer specializing in underwriter and issuer representation in

high-yield debt offerings, with an emphasis on leveraged buyout financings. He also represents

clients in a range of structured finance products, including cross-border leveraged leases,

securitizations, credit default swaps and conduit financings.


Nick Collins has significant experience advising project sponsors, multilateral lending agencies,

export credit agencies and commercial banks in international banking, asset finance and project

financings. His clients represent a variety of industries, including oil and gas, LNG, aluminum

and telecommunications, mainly in the Middle East and Africa but also in the emerging markets

of Eastern Europe. Collins is the first lawyer to be made partner from White & Case’s London

trainee program, one of the first to be established by a non-UK firm.

Paul Cowan has extensive experience in national and international construction dispute

resolution, including international and national arbitration, litigation and adjudication. He also

has considerable experience negotiating and advising on a wide range of construction contracts,

consultancy appointments, development agreements, collateral warranties, bonds and guarantees

involving all forms of construction procurement.

Nicholas Greenacre advises on employee benefits and pensions. He has experience in a broad

range of matters affecting clients of all sizes, from technology start-ups to global investment

banks, and co-heads the Firm's Global Equity Based Compensation Practice.

Sam Hamilton focuses on leveraged, investment grade and emerging markets finance. He acts for

private equity sponsors, corporations and financial institutions and specializes in Nordic region

and public-to-private financings.

Christopher Langdon focuses principally on project finance and development and has

extensive experience in joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, off-takes and concessions. His

clients include corporations, commercial banks and international financial institutions. He has

sectoral expertise in metals and mining and upstream oil and gas.

Evgenia Laurson is an English and Russian law-qualified partner who focuses on structured

finance and mergers and acquisitions. She has extensive experience advising on transactions in

Eastern Europe, including Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Her experience covers a range of

sectors, with an emphasis on the oil and gas and metals and mining industries.

Simon Morgan specializes in a variety of structured finance, securitization and capital markets

products. His particular focus is on structured cross-border emerging market transactions.


Mark Bagnall advises issuers and underwriters on public and private offerings of debt and equity

securities, with a focus on offerings by Latin American issuers. He also advises clients on

mergers and acquisitions and a broad range of other corporate and commercial matters.

New York

David Johansen focuses on securities offerings. He also advises clients on securities law in

connection with mergers and acquisitions and restructurings, as well as general corporate law


Daniel Nam specializes in corporate finance transactions and general securities and corporate

matters. He has represented numerous investment banks and issuers in public and private highyield

debt, equity and equity-linked securities offerings, as well as bridge financing commitments,

debt tender offers and consent solicitations, across a broad range of industries.

Daren Orzechowski specializes in all areas of intellectual property law and handles both

litigation and transactional matters. He focuses on the sports and entertainment industries and on

information technology and outsourcing.


Ank Santens focuses on international arbitration, advising clients on the drafting of dispute

resolution clauses in international contracts and assisting them in settlement negotiations

involving a variety of countries and legal systems in multiple industries, including construction,

power, oil and gas, telecommunications, steel, aluminum, banking and consumer goods.


Charles Nairac concentrates on international commercial and investor-state arbitration, with

emphasis on the construction sector. He has been involved in international arbitrations conducted

under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), London Court of International

Arbitration (LCIA), American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the United Nations

Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), as well as in ad hoc arbitrations.


Damian Beaven focuses on international corporate and commercial transactions. He has

significant experience in domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, private equity

financings, privatizations, joint ventures and real estate development projects.


Guan Feng Chen specializes in cross-border financing transactions and private corporate debt

restructurings in Asia. The 2008 publication of IFLR 1000 recognized him as a leading lawyer in

Singapore for banking transactions.

Brad Roach advises clients in the oil and gas and energy sectors, focusing primarily on LNG

projects. He has extensive experience in connection with the upstream and downstream sectors of

the petroleum industry throughout Asia and the Middle East. He has been recognized by

publications such as The International Who's Who of Oil & Gas Lawyers and Euromoney's Guide

to the World's Leading Energy and Natural Resources Lawyers.

Huey Yann Thong advises clients in the areas of banking, structured finance, project finance and

debt restructuring. She has extensive experience in cross-border financing and debt restructuring

transactions across Asia.


Lennart Pettersson focuses on private and public mergers and acquisitions and corporate

transactions, as well as general corporate and commercial law.


David Case is an experienced disputes and licensing attorney practicing in the areas of intellectual

property, product liability, privacy and data protection.

Thomas LaMacchia advises clients on a wide range of corporate matters. He focuses on mergers

and acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances, capital markets and other corporate


Brian Strawn concentrates on cross-border mergers and acquisitions, as well as international

corporate, commercial and financial transactions, including joint ventures, strategic alliances and


Washington, DC

Brian Gleicher focuses on international tax issues, with an emphasis on transfer pricing and tax

treaty issues. Additionally, he represents corporate and individual taxpayers in domestic tax

examinations and settlement negotiations with the US Internal Revenue Service at the

examination and appeals levels.

Washington, DC/Geneva

Brendan McGivern practices international trade law, particularly the law of the World Trade

Organization. He advises companies and sovereign governments on the full range of WTO

disciplines relating to goods, services and intellectual property rights and represents clients in

dispute settlement proceedings before WTO panels and the Appellate Body. He also advises on

the negotiation of bilateral and regional free trade agreements.

About White & Case

White & Case LLP is a leading global law firm with more than 2,300 lawyers in 36 offices in 24

countries. Our clients value the breadth and depth of our US, English and local law capabilities and rely

on us for their complex cross-border commercial and financial transactions and for international

arbitration and litigation. Whether in established or emerging markets, the hallmark of White & Case is

our complete dedication to the business priorities and legal needs of our clients.


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